Q?What is a Phone Line Alternative (PLA)?

A Phone Line Alternative (or “Dry Loop”) is a monthly service that allows users to have a DSL or Broadband internet without an analog telephone line or dial tone.

Q?DSL vs. Cable Internet?

The main difference between DSL and Cable internet access is how your internet data is transmitted.

A DSL connection transmits data through your phone line to your modem or network cable to your computer, while a cable connection transmits data over your television line (cable) to a modem, which then connects to your computer via a router or network cable.

What’s similar?

  • Both Cable and DSL give you the ability to access your internet and telephone connection at the same time.
  • Both have a significantly faster connection speed than Dial-Up and Wireless connections.
  • Depending on resources (cable or tower access), Cable and/or DSL may not be available in your area.

What’s different?

  • DSL generally has more variety in connection speed choices.
  • DSL receives data much faster than it can send data – resulting in higher download speeds than upload speeds.
  • While Cable can be faster than DSL, you share available bandwidth with others in your area which can cause a slower performance
  • You need an active phone line or Phone Line Alternative to connect to the internet when using DSL.
  • Cable does not need an active phone line or phone line alternative to connect to the internet.

In choosing which connection is right for you, take into account: your area, your usage, your downloading rates, your existing television and/or telephone lines.

If you’re still not sure, call us at 1 (877) 564-4922 or email fill out our contact form and one of our sales representatives will be happy to help.