Introduction to Webmail
Webmail allows you to perform a variety of email-related tasks, such as viewing, composing, and sending email messages.
The Webmail toolbar
The Webmail toolbar, located along the top of the screen, displays the following options:
Use this option to return to the home page where you will be able to view the number of new messages under the “New Messages” section along with the Tasks planned for the current day (“Tasks” section). In addition, you will be able to check new calendar events under the “Calendar” section. There is also “Statistics” section showing the space usage of your mailbox.
This option takes you to your inbox (default). You can view the contents of other mail folders, such as the Junk Email, Trash, Drafts and Sent Messages folders. You can also reply to, forward or compose email messages through this interface.
This option takes you to your contact list, also known as an address book. In this interface, you can view, edit, add or delete entries in your contact list.
Selecting this option takes you to an electronic calendar/day planner, which can be used to keep track of events such as birthday parties, meetings and appointments. You can share these lists with other users on your domain.
This option allows you to compose and store any notes which you would like to access through webmail. You can share these notes with other users on your domain.
This option allows you to download a copy of the SyncSuite client for mobile devices, desktops or laptop PCs. The Syncsuite client allows you to synchronize your contacts, calendar events, notes and tasks between Webmail and Outlook, Outlook Express, Blackberries, or other SyncML-enabled mobile devices. You have the ability to sync this information with Apple Devices including iPad, iPhone and Mac. Click here for more information on mobile synchronization.
In the preferences interface, you can change your account configuration; you can change your password, spam filter settings, mail forwarding, autoresponders and more.
The Mailbox Interface
The Inbox interface is comprised of five sections.
1. Mail options
These menu commands allow you to do the following:
- Get new Mail messages
- Compose a New message
- Reply to a selected message
- Reply to All recipients in a selected message
- Forward a selected message to another email address
- Move the selected messages to Junk folder
- Delete one or more selected messages.
To move, copy or delete messages, you must first select one or more messages by highlighting the messages you want to affect.
2. Folder list
A list of all of your mail folders are displayed along the left-hand side. Click on a folder in the list to display its contents. You can also perform the following folder management tasks by right-clicking on the folders in the list:
- Mark all messages as read: Selecting this option will mark all unread messages as read.
- Mark all messages as unread: Selecting this option will mark all messages as unread.
- Empty folder: This command will permanently delete all mail in the selected folder. If you only want to move certain items to the trash, use the mail options described in section (1) above.
3. Folder contents
This is a list of all read and unread email messages which are in the folder you have currently selected. By default, the mail interface displays the contents of your inbox.
4. Preview pane
The preview pane displays the contents of the currently selected email message. If no message is currently selected, nothing is displayed.
5. Search
The search function allows you to search through the contents of the currently selected folder. To do so, type a full or partial keyword, and press “enter” on your keyboard. You can choose to search by “subject”, “sender”, “subject and sender”, “To or CC” and “Entire Message”.
6. Horizontal/Vertical View of the messages
The preview pane (4) allows you to view the content of a selected email. If you like, you can hide the preview pane, providing more space to display the email list. Note: whether or not you hide the preview pane, double-clicking on an email will display its contents in a new window.
In order to simplify the moving of the selected messages “Drag and drop” feature is accessible. Mentioned function allows you to move messages to different subfolders within the Inbox. To perform this operation select a message you want to move and drag it to the destination folder.
Composing a Message
WebMail allows you to compose a new email, reply to or forward an existing email. WebMail also provides enhanced security features, such message encryption and digital signatures.
When sending encrypted messages, WebMail will encrypt the message using your private PGP key. Once the email is received by the recipient, it needs to be decrypted – if the recipient does not have a key to decrypt the message, you can send also send your public key as an attachment. Note: To maintain encryption security, never send or forward your private key information.
To Send an Email
- In the Secondary Menu, click one of the quick-launch buttons.
The Compose Window opens. - Complete the following:
- Enter Recipient(s) email addresses:
- To: the email address of your recipients.
- CC: the email address of the recipients you would like to send a copy of your message to.
- BCC: the email address of the recipients you would like to send a copy of your message to without the other recipients (To/CC) seeing the addresses placed in this field.
Note: Auto complete remembers your email contacts you have previously entered into the TO, CC, BCC Fields. Type in a portion of the email address, a drop down menu with matching or similar contact will be listed, click on the email address to accept.
- Enter the subject line.
- Select the message format.
- Text: This option allows you type your message in plain text without any special formatting.
- HTML: This option allows you to type your message using HTML code to specify special formatting. You may change the font face, size, color and weight as well as include bullets, indents, text justification and background color.
- Type message details in the body field
- Enter Recipient(s) email addresses:
- To add an attachment, click Attach and locate the file you want to upload. Once the file is uploaded, the “Upload Attachment” menu will close and the path to the document will appear next to File.
Note: To remove an attachment, click Remove. - Click Priority and select one of the following, if required:
- Highest
- High
- Normal
- Low
- Lowest
- Click Options and complete the following, if required:
- Request read receipts: sends an indicator email when the recipient has opened the email.
- Save a copy in Sent Mail: saves a copy of the sent email in the Sent Mail Folder.
- Show Bcc: displays the field for blind carbon copy recipients.
- Encrypt message – encrypts the message using the WebMail PGP key.
- Sign message – adds a digital signature to the email
- Attach public key – sends the public PGP key to recipient as an attachment.
Note: For more information about PGP keys, see the PGP Preferences section.
- If you wish to save your email without sending, click Save Draft.
The unsent email is saved in the Drafts Folder. - To check the spelling, click Spell check. You can also specify the language from the Spell-check drop-down.
- Click Send.
Introduction to Contacts
The contacts section allows you to view, edit, and manage everyone in your address book.
Click here to learn how to sync your contacts to a mobile device.
1. Contact options
This section of the interface allows you to create a New contact, new group or new address book and subscribe.
2. Contact groups
A contact group is a method of categorizing your contacts. For example, you could have two contact groups, “Business” and “Personal”. If you wanted to view your personal contacts, then you would just click on the “Personal” entry in your group list. To assign contacts to a group (or move contacts from one group to another), select the contact or if you are entering a new contact click on “New Contact”, enter their details and place a checkmark beside the group where you want to assign your contact to and then click on “Save”. To create a new group click on “New group” and enter a name of the group and then click “Save”.
3. Contact display
When you select a group or list of contacts the contacts within that group are displayed. To view or edit the details of a specific contact, click on the name of the contact. The contact’s details will be displayed on the same page.
4. Contact details
When you select a contact for editing, or are adding a new contact, the contact’s details are displayed on the same page. A variety of information can be entered about a contact; however, for your convenience it is only necessary to enter a name and an email address to save a contact.
5. Send and receive encrypted email
Webmail 6.0 allows you to send and receive encrypted email with the PGP Key Manager feature. Using this feature you will be able to Create, Delete and Import/Export PGP keys.
Sharing Contacts
Any contact that you create can be shared with other users in your domain. Users who share your domain includes anyone whose email address after the “@” symbol is the same as yours. For example, if your email address is “”, then any user whose email address ends in “” is in your domain.
To share a selected contact:
- Click the Contacts tab in the toolbar at the top of the screen.
- Select the individual contact that you would like to share.
- Where the selected contact’s details are shown , clear the Hide this contact from the shared address book checkbox.
- Click Save.
If you have a shared contact that you wish to make private, follow the steps above, except check the Hide this contact from the shared address book checkbox.
Introduction to Calendars
The “Calendar” section of Webmail allows you to schedule meetings, appointments and other events on a personal calendar, providing a convenient means of tracking important events which require your attention. Webmail supports multiple calendars which display on the same daily, monthly or weekly view, allowing you to further organize and colour code various types of events.
Webmail also allows you to share calendars between users on the same domain. For example, if your email address is, you can create one or more calendars which are viewable by others whose email address end in You can also choose to restrict access to your calendar to individual users. This allows others to see when you are free or busy, facilitating the scheduling of meeting and other events. Depending on the access level you allow, you can even allow others to add, edit or delete scheduled events on your shared calendar.
Click here to learn how to sync your calendar to a mobile device.
1. Calendar view
The calendar view allows you to see all of your scheduled events in a particular month, week, or day, depending on the viewing method selected in the Calendar Options bar. If you have created or subscribed to more than one calendar, all events are displayed in the same interface; events from each calendar are color-coded to help you identify which calendar a particular event has been scheduled on.
- You can click on an event in the Calendar View to see the full details, such as location, description, status, and attendees.
2. Calendar list
The calendar list shows all calendars you have created (My Calendars) or subscribed to (Subscribed Calendars).
- Place a checkmark beside the calendars you wish to see in the Calendar View.
- To delete a calendar, click the on the name of the calendar. A new window will open where you will be able to delete the calendar by clicking on “Delete Calendar”.
- To edit a calendar’s preferences, such as the calendar name, how it is shared and what colour will be used to represent it, click the calendar’s name. Note that calendars you have subscribed to can only have the name and the colour changed; these changes are not applied to other subscribers or the calendar owner.
3. Calendar Options
The Calendar Options section is a set of toolbar buttons. The following functions:
- New Event: allows you to add a new event to a calendar.
- Day View/Week View/Month View: changes the calendar view to a daily, weekly, or monthly view.
- New Calendar: Creates a new calendar.
- New Task: creates a new task in the chosen calendar.
Creating a calendar
The calendar interface can support the existence of multiple calendars. In this way, you can further organize your appointments and events. Individual calendars can be color-coded. You can also choose which calendars will be displayed.
To create a new calendar, follow these steps:
- From within Webmail, click on the “Calendar” button at the top of the screen.
- In the Calendar section on the left hand side, click on the plus sign (+) next to Personal Calendars. You will be displayed with a form that you will have to fill out in order to create a new calendar.
- Enter a name for the new calendar.
- Choose a color for your calendar by clicking on the color icon. A color palette will open where you will be able to choose a color.
- Click on “Sharing” tab if you would like to share your calendar. Here you can share your calendar with the entire domain or specify the email accounts you wish to share your calendar with.
- Click “Save” to save the changes and click “Cancel” to dismiss the changes. The new calendar will appear in the left panel under the list of calendars.
Adding an event
From within the calendar interface in Webmail:
- Click the plus sign (+) that appears when you hover over a specific date OR click the “new event” button, located along the second row of buttons at the top of the screen. A “new event” button will be displayed within the calendar on the chosen date.
- Using the drop-down menu provided, select which calendar the event will be associated with.
- Enter the title of the event, e.g.: Quarterly Finance Meeting, Bob’s Birthday, etc.
- You may also enter additional details concerning the event in the space provided.
- Using the drop-down menus provided, set the start and end times for the event.
- Enter the location at which the event will take place
- If you would like to set a reminder for your event, click the Advanced tab, place a checkmark next to Alarm. You will then have the option to enter how much time before the event to be reminded.
- If you would like to make this event recur on a regular basis, click on the Advanced tab and select from the drop-down provided a daily, weekly, monthly or yearly recurrence. Once selected, you will have the option of specifying the number of days, weeks, months or years between each recurrence. For example, to set an event that occurs every other day, select “daily” from the drop-down list, and then select every 2 day(s) from the additional field which appears.
- Under the “Attendees” tab, you can add new attendees by clicking on Add. When you are done adding attendees, click the X icon located in the top-right corner of the contact list and then click OK.
- Set the status of the event. The event status can be set to confirmed, tentative, or canceled. Note that setting an event to canceled will not delete an event from a calendar.
- Click Save to add the event to your calendar.
Deleting an event
To delete an event from a calendar:
- First, locate the event in your calendar. Please note that if the event is on a calendar that you have subscribed to, you will only be able to delete the event if you have been granted sufficient access by the calendar owner.
- Once you have found the event you wish to delete, double click on the event and then click on the “delete” button.
Editing an event
There are three ways to view and edit an event in your calendar:
- Week View: In Week View, click the Event Title icon to edit an event.
- Day View: In Day View, click the Event Title to edit an event.
- Month View: In Month View, click the Event Title to edit an event.
In order to cancel event editing use the “Undo” button.
Any one of these methods will display the Edit Event window. This is the same as the New Event window however the selected event’s information will be displayed. You may edit any of the event’s information.
Please note you are only permitted to edit your own Calendar as well as shared calendars you have permission to edit.
To edit an event on a calendar:
- First, locate the event in your calendar. Please note that if the event is on a calendar that you have subscribed to, you will only be able to edit the event if you have been granted sufficient access by the calendar owner.
- Once you have found the event you wish to edit, click on the name of the event.
- After modifying the event as desired, click “Save”.
Sharing a Calendar
Any calendar that you create can be shared with other users in your domain. Users who share your domain includes anyone whose email address after the “@” symbol is the same as yours. For example, if your email address is “”, then any user whose email address ends in “” is in your domain. It is also possible to restrict access (or assign special access to) individual users in your domain.
To turn a private calendar into a shared calendar:
- From within Webmail, click on the “calendar” button at the top of the screen.
- Double click on the name of the calendar you want to share and then click on “Sharing” tab.
- If you want to share your calendar with everyone on your domain, under the Company Collaboration heading use the “level” drop-down menu and select either “low”, “medium”, or “high”. And then click “Save”. An explanation of these settings is as follows:
- Low: This share level lets others see only that you are busy during your event times. This setting is most useful for allowing meetings to be scheduled without revealing full details about all the calendars involved.
For example, say that you book a Marketing Meeting with Jack and Sue from 10am-11am on Tuesday. If you share your calendar with the Low share level settings, others can see that you are busy between 10am and 11am on Tuesday and they will be able to see the event title but will not be able to click on it.
- Medium: This is the recommended share setting. This setting allows others to see the full details of your shared events, but they are unable to edit the events.
- High: This setting is designed for teams working on projects together and using the same calendar. With this setting, others can view the full details of your events, edit them, delete them or create new ones.
- If you want to create custom access settings for individual users in your domain, click under the “Individual Collaboration”.
- To assign a custom access level to a specific user, enter an email address under “individual collaboration”, select a collaboration level (low, medium or high), and click “add” to add more email addresses. When done click on “save”.
- Using a combination of settings in the “company collaboration” and “individual collaboration” sections, you can assign a company-wide level of access to your shared calendar, and assign special (usually higher, although lower is permitted) access to your shared calendar for specific users. You can also use these sections to restrict access to only a few trusted users.
Subscribing to a calendar will allow you to access another user’s shared calendar. Depending on the access level set by the calendar’s owner, the amount of information on the calendar, and whether or not you can edit those entries, will vary.
Subscribing to a shared calendar is fast and easy:
- From the Webmail interface, click on the “calendar” button near the top of the screen.
- Click the “Subscribe” button, found on the second row of buttons near the top of the screen.
- You will be presented with a list of calendars which other people have set up for sharing, sorted by the user offering the calendars.
- Place checkmarks beside the calendars you want to subscribe to, and click “Save”.
Creating a Task List
Tasks allows you to create and organize your tasks by priority and due date, providing a convenient means of keeping track of important tasks.
Webmail also allows you to share tasks between users on the same domain. For example, if your email address is, you can create one or more tasks which are viewable by others whose email address end in You can also choose to restrict access to your tasks to individual users. This allows others to view your tasks, facilitating the completion of any tasks which are shared between users. Depending on the access level you allow, you can even allow others to add, edit or delete tasks on your shared calendar.
Task Options
The Calendar Options section is a set of toolbar buttons. The following functions:
- New Task: Allows you to add a new task.
- Incomplete Tasks: Displays only tasks which are not yet completed.
- Completed Tasks: Displays only the tasks that have been marked as complete.
To create a new task, follow these steps:
- In the Webmail interface, under Calendar section click on “New Task”, located at the top right corner of the screen.
- Fill in the following information:
- Name (Name of Task)
- Check the “Completed” box if you want to add a task that’s already been completed.
- Priority
- Due by
- Alarm
- Choose the calendar (from the drop down menu) where you want this task to belong to.
- Enter a brief description of the task.
- Click “Save”.
Sharing a task list
Using Shared Tasks, users can:
- Access both Personal and Shared Tasks in one location while giving permissions as to what tasks are viewed by others within the company domain
- Outline individual responsibilities and timelines within the tasks description
- Create different task lists with different colleagues associated to each task
- Set due dates and notification alarms for specific tasks
Introduction to notes
The “Notes” section of Webmail allows you to create and organize a list of notes, providing a convenient means of keeping track of important information. Webmail supports multiple notepads, which display as a single master list; each notepad can be tagged with a specific colour, allowing you to further organize and colour code various types of notes.
Webmail also allows you to share notepads between users on the same domain. For example, if your email address is, you can create one or more notepads which are viewable by others whose email address end in You can also choose to restrict access to your lists to individual users. This allows others to view your notepads, facilitating the sharing of important notes between users. Depending on the access level you allow, you can even allow others to add, edit or delete notes on your shared notepads.
The Notes interface can be broken down into three main areas:
- Note Listing
This is a list that combines all notes from all notepads that you have selected for display. Each note is colour coded in order for you to see which notes are from which notepad. This overall view allows you to logically group your notes by context.- You can click on a note in the Note Listing to see the full details, such as category (name of the notepad), creation date and note contents.
- Notepads
The Notepads section shows the names of all of the individual notepads you have created (My Private Notepads), shared (My Shared Notepads), or subscribed to (My Subscribed Notepads).- Place a checkmark beside the notepads that you wish to display in the main Note Listing.
- To delete a notepad, click the name of the notepad, a new window will open and there click on “delete notepad”. Shared notepads which you have been granted access to cannot be deleted.
- To edit a notepad’s preferences, such as the notepad name, how it is shared and what colour will be used to represent it, click on the name of the notepad. Shared notepads belonging to another user can only have the name and the colour changed; these changes are not applied to other subscribers.
- Notepad OptionsThe Notepad Options section is a set of toolbar buttons. The following options are available:
- New Note: Allows you to add a new task.
- New Notepad: This option allows you to create a new notepad.
- All Notes: Allows you to view and sort all notes, completed or not.
Creating a notepad
The Notes interface can support the existence of multiple notepads. In this way, you can further organize your notes by subject or any other context you choose. Individual notepads can be color-coded. You can also choose which notepads will display their notes.
To create a notepad, follow these steps:
- In the Webmail interface, click on “Notes”, located at the top of the screen.
- In the Notepads section on the left hand side, click on the plus sign (+) next to Personal Notepads. You will be displayed with a form that you will have to fill out in order to create a new notepad.
- Enter a name for your notepad.
- Select a display color for your notepad, by clicking on the color palette to the right.
- You may also enter a brief description concerning the purpose of the notepad. This is recommended for notepads that you intend to share.
- Click on “Sharing” tab if you would like to share your notepad with other users, and select a collaboration level from the drop down.
- Click “Save”.
Adding a note
From within the “Notes” interface in Webmail:
- Click the “new note” button, located along the second row of buttons at the top of the screen.
- Using the drop-down menu provided, select the notepad that the new note should belong to.
- Enter the full details of your note.
- Click “save” to add the new note.
Viewing a note
From within the “Notes” interface in Webmail, click the name of the note you wish to view in the Note Listing. A new window will open, displaying all details of the selected note.
- In this new window you can make the necessary changes.
- If you wish to delete the note, click the “delete ” button.
When you are finished viewing the note, close the window by clicking the “Cancel” button.
Deleting a note
From within the “Notes” interface in Webmail, click the name of the note you wish to delete from the Note Listing. A new window will open, displaying all details of the selected note. Click the “delete” button to permanently remove the note.
Editing a note
From within the “Notes” interface in Webmail, you can open a note for editing in one of two ways:
- Click the name of the note you wish to view in the Note Listing. A new window will open, displaying all details of the selected note. To modify any of the information in the note, just start making the necessary changes. When done click “Save”.
With this interface, you can modify any aspect of the note, such as any additional details, note name or assigned notepad.
Sharing a notepad
Any notepad that you create can be shared with other users in your domain. Users who share your domain includes anyone whose email address after the “@” symbol is the same as yours. For example, if your email address is “”, then any user whose email address ends in “” is in your domain.
You can share your notepad by editing across your domain, or with specific email accounts hosted with the domain.
Editing Shared Notepad Information
1. Fill in/change the following information:
a. Name (Name of your Notepad, i.e. “Notepad1”)
b. Color (To the right trail your mouse over the color gradient, click on your preferred color)
c. Description
2. Click the “Sharing” button (This is where you enable your shared Notepad options).
a. A new screen will appear.
b. You can share your notepad with the entire domain or specify the email accounts you wish to share your calendar with.
If you want to share your notepad with everyone on your domain, use the “collaboration” drop-down menu and select either “low”, “medium”, or “high”. And then click “save”. An explanation of these settings is as follows:
- Low: This share level lets others see your notes, but they are unable to edit or view specific details.
- Medium: This is the recommended share setting. This setting allows others to see the full details of your shared notes, but they are unable to edit them.
- High: This setting is designed for teams working on projects together and using the same notepad. With this setting, others can view the full details of your notes, edit them, delete them or create new ones.
c. Click “Save” to accept the changes.
Unlike calendars, all shared notepads are automatically shared with their intended recipients. It is not necessary for users to subscribe to notepads which have been shared.
Preference categories, along with a description of what each category controls, are detailed in the topics that follow:
- Mail Preferences
- Spam Preferences
- Change Password
- Auto Reply Messages
- Filtering Preferences
- Set up Mail Forwarding
- Highlighting Messages
- Image Rules
Mail Preferences
- Full name: The name that appears in place of your email address when your email is received.
- Your Signature: This is where you can enter text for your signature file. You signature is automatically appended to the end of every email. Signature files usually contain your name and contact information. You can choose to place a line of dashes (-) before your signature as a separator. You also have the option to place your signature ahead of any forwarded message text, as well as text appended from an email you are replying to.
- Select preferred language: This menu allows you to change the language used in Webmail’s interface.
- What to do when messages are deleted: This allows you to choose either to move to trash or permanently delete.
- Time format: Select your preferred time format from the list provided.
- Date format: Select your preferred date format.
- Your current time zone: To set your local time zone, select the nearest city to your location. This is used to append the correct time stamp to any messages you send.
- Set up mail forwarding: enter an email address to forward all of your incoming emails to any address you wish. You also have the option of keeping a copy of all forwarded mail in your inbox by placing a checkmark for that option
- System Windows: Selecting this box, will use the regular system pop up boxes, instead of the nice styled alert boxes that Webmail uses by default. The advantage of using the regular system alert boxes is that these boxes are able to be read by a screen reading program like JAWS for the visually impaired. JAWS will read what is on the screen and verbally announce it to the user.
SPAM Preferences
- Turn SPAM filter (on/off): This option allows you to turn the SPAM filtration system on or off. There are three levels to choose from when you turn on the SPAM filter: light filtering, standard filtering and aggressive filtering.
- Sensitivity level: This section allows you to determine how strict the SPAM filter is in determining whether or not an email is considered SPAM. With light filtering, there is very little chance of legitimate email being tagged as SPAM; however, the likelihood of SPAM evading the filter is slightly higher than the recommended “standard” setting. With standard and especially aggressive filtering, it is much less likely that SPAM will be able to bypass the filter. Please note that the higher the filtration level, the more likely it is that legitimate email will be considered SPAM, although the likelihood of this happening is still very low. Users are strongly advised not to set the SPAM filter to automatically delete SPAM in conjunction with either standard or aggressive filtering.
- I want SPAM filtering to: You can indicate what you want the SPAM filter to do with emails which are considered SPAM. The following options are available:
- Delete SPAM: All SPAM is automatically deleted
- Tag and deliver SPAM: Email which is considered SPAM has its subject line tagged with **SPAM**, but is otherwise delivered normally.
- Quarantine SPAM: All emails which are tagged as SPAM will be automatically placed in the “junk” folder.
- Allow/Block lists:
These are also known traditionally as “blacklists” and “whitelists”. You can enter specific email addresses which will either bypass the SPAM filter (allow list/whitelist), or will automatically be counted as SPAM (block list/blacklist).
To block any email address from a given domain, enter an asterisk (*), followed by an “at” symbol (@), and the domain you want to block. For example: * will block all email address which end with “”. Note that the allow list takes precedence over the block list; if you entered “” in the allow list, these emails would bypass the SPAM filter, even if “*” was entered in the block list.
Change Password
You can change your Webmail password using this interface. Note: this password change will also require you to change the password setting in any other mail clients you use, such as Microsoft Outlook or Thunderbird. To successfully change the password, you must enter your current password, and the new password twice for confirmation.
In case you forget your password, by entering a security question and answer it will allow for an easy retrieval of your password.
Auto Reply Messages
An autoresponder is a predefined response to incoming emails. Autoresponders can be set to automatically respond to incoming email which matches a keyword in the “to”, “from”, “CC”, or “subject” heading. In this way, you can set up autoresponders for a variety of purposes, such as automatically informing people that you are away on vacation, or sending generic responses acknowledging receipt of email messages.
To Create an Auto Reply Message
- In the Auto Reply Secondary Menu, click Add New Auto Reply Message. Alternatively, press alt+n.
- In the New Auto Reply Message dialog, complete the following:
- Title: Enter the title for your new message.
- Condition: You may specify to respond only to specific messages sent to your account as opposed to all messages. You may select one of the following email header fields in which the Condition Text will be applied:
- All conditions
- From specific address
- To specific address
- When CC’d
- Subject contains
- Condition Text: Specify the text which an incoming message must contain in its Condition email header field for your auto responder to be sent.
- Specify Start/End Time: You can schedule your auto-reply to begin at a specific date and time and run until a specific date and time.
- Message Text: In the large textbox to the right of “Message:” type the messages you would like the auto responder to email as a response.
- Set as Active: You can select the Active checkbox when creating the rule. Note: If you do not select the Active checkbox here, you can activate it from the Auto-reply Display list.
- Click Save.
To Activate/Deactivate Auto Reply Messages
In the Active column, select the check box.
Note: If the message contains a previously specified date and time, please clear the date or make sure the date occurs in the future.
To Edit an Auto Reply Message
- In the Auto Reply column, double-click the message.
- In the Edit Auto Reply Message dialog, make the required modifications.
- Click Save.
To Delete an Auto Reply Message
- In the Delete column, click the Delete icon .
- In the Confirmation dialog, click Yes.
Note: Permanently deleted Auto Reply Messages cannot be recovered.
Filtering Preferences
This section of the preferences allows you to set up special rules which will sort your email into specific folders. For example, if you want to put email from a specific person into a special folder, then you can set up a rule which will automatically place those email messages into the desired folder.
How to set up a rule:
- Click the “Preferences” icon at the top of the screen.
- Once the Preferences pane loads, click “Rules” on the left-hand side if the screen.
- When the Rules interface loads, click the “New Rule” button.
- Select a field from the drop-down menu provided. This is the field which will be used to sort messages. You can select any of the following fields:
- To
- Subject
- Sender
- From
- CC
- Resent-from
- Resent-to
- List-to
- Received
- x-spam-level
- x-spam-score
- x-spam-status
- -priority
- Status
- Select a “match” condition. This determines how the key text you enter will be used. The following match conditions can be selected:
- Contains
- Doesn’t contain
- Equal to
- Not equal to
- Begins with
- Doesn’t begin with
- Ends with
- Doesn’t end with
- Select a value. This is the key text which will be used to sort your messages
- Using the checkbox provided, indicate if you want your key text to be case-sensitive. For example, this means that if you enter “Weasel” as your match text, “weasel” will not be considered a match if the rule is case-sensitive.
- Under the “do this” section, Select an action. The following actions can be selected:
- Copy
- Move
- Forward
- Delete
- Reject
- If you selected “Copy” or “Move” in step 8, select a folder from the drop-down menu, indicating where you want the message copied to or moved to. If you selected “Forward”, you must indicate an email address that the message will be forwarded to.
- If you want to set more than one condition, an additional “field” drop-down is shown. In this manner, you can select a any number of conditions. At the top of the screen, you can also indicate if all of the conditions have to be met or only one of them.
Sample rules
Below are some examples of rules that can be set up:
Field | Match | Value | Case-Sensitive? | Do This |
To | Contains | | No | Move: Bobmail |
Subject | Begins with | RE: | Yes | Forward: |
BCC | Equals | | No | Delete |
Highlighting Messages
This section of the preferences allows you to set up special rules which will highlight your email messages. For example, you can set up a rule to highlight email in blue from a specific person.
How to set up a rule:
- Click the “Preferences” icon at the top of the screen.
- Once the Preferences pane loads, click “Highlighting Messages” on the left-hand side if the screen.
- When the interface loads, click the “New Rule” button.
- Enter a name for your rule.
- Select a filed from the drop down menu. The possible fields are: “To”, “Subject” and “From”.
- Enter the data relevant to the field selected. For example if you have selected “Subject” enter the subject(s) of emails that you wish to be highlighted when received.
- Next, select color to be highlighted with the message containing the subject line that you have entered in the previous step. In order to select a color, click on the color icon. A color palette will be displayed from where you will be able to select a color.
- Click “Save” to save the changes you have made.
Click “Return to Rules list” if you would like to view and select an existing rule from the list of the existing rules.
Image Rules
The Image Rules preferences allow you to define what images and styles will be shown in email messages when they arrive in your inbox. You can control the level of trust when images will be displayed by checking on or off various options below. For a higher level of control you can also create custom filters for specific senders or when specific text appears in the subject line of messages.
There are several options available to choose from:
- Show unsafe images for messages from anyone in your address book
- Show unsafe images for all messages you send.
- Show unsafe images for the new rule that you set up.
In order to enable these options check off the corresponding checkbox.
In order to create a new rule, click on “New Rule” button. You will be displayed with an extended page where you can set up your rule.
- Select from the “Field” drop down menu one of the following: To, From, CC, Subject. The condition set will apply to the filed selected here.
- From “Match” drop down menu select one the conditions provided. For example if you want “To:” field containing specific text, you would choose “contains” and under “value” enter the text that would be contained in the field selected.
- If you are done click ”Save” to save your work. Once you click “Save” you will be able to see your rule.
- Click on the delete icon to delete the rule.
PGP Preferences
WebMail uses PGP (Pretty Good Privacy) to encrypt and decrypt email messages. WebMail also uses PGP to send an encrypted digital signature that lets the receiver verify the sender’s identity and know that the message was not changed en-route. WebMail provides each user with a public encryption key and a private key (which is known only to that user).
Messages that you send to someone else are encrypted using their public key. When they receive it, they decrypt it using their private key. Since encrypting an entire message can be time-consuming, PGP uses a faster encryption algorithm to encrypt the message and then uses the public key to encrypt the shorter key that was used to encrypt the entire message. Note: To maintain the security of your decryption process, Do Not share your private key with any other user.
The PGP Preferences page displays a list of created keys, its ID, the owner of the key and the option to delete an existing key.
PGP Preferences Secondary Menu
The PGP Preferences Secondary Menu provides quick-launch options to create a new key, or to import or export an existing key
Creating PGP Keys
WebMail allows you to create a PGP key-pair. You can then send the public key to other users to decrypt your messages while the private key is stored on the WebMail server to decrypt your received messages.
To Create a New PGP Key:
- In the PGP Preferences Secondary Menu, click New PGP Key.
- On the Create PGP key pair dialog, complete all fields.
- Enter the PGP key-pair name.
- The Email address is pre-populated and cannot be edited.
- Add a note or description for this key-pair.
- Enter and confirm a passphrase.
- Note: It is recommended to use a a stong password for the key-pair.
- Click OK.
- In the Confirmation dialog, click Yes.
- The PGP Preferences page will display a process wheel until the key-pair is generated. Once the key-pair is generated, the page will refresh with the key details.
Importing and Exporting PGP Keys
The Export and Import feature allows you to export a PGP key-pair, which was created using WebMail, to another Mail provider, such as Hotmail or Google Mail. You can also import a PGP key-pair that was created using another Mail provider.
To Import a PGP Key:
- In the PGP Preferences Secondary Menu, click Import PGP key.
- In the Import PGP key dialog, paste the PGP key details.
- Click OK.
To Export a PGP Key:
- In the PGP Preferences key-pair list, select the public key that you want to export.
- In the Secondary Menu, click Export PGP key.
- In the Export PGP key dialog, copy the PGP key details.
- Paste the key details into the body of an email message.